Solo dile cuando... a cualquiera que diga que tu no tienes ,ni voz,ni voto en la educacion de tus hijos.Nosotros somos los ciudadanos por la educacion de las escuelas publicas.El proposito de este sitio web es ayudar a cerrar el controversial hueco de pregreso y desarrollo que es principal en muchas de las areas de la educacion. El valor de los maestros es incalculable,cuando son maestros que individualmente se dedican y confian en promover,motivar,nutrir y ensenar cada nino.para lograr alcanzar lo mejor de sus habilidades individuales. Los principales(directores)superintendentes y todos los demas equipos de apoyo en el distrito escolar,deben estar al pendiente para asegurarse de que los maestros tengan todo lo que necesitan para poder ofrecer una mejor ensenanza(educacion) en su mayor capacidad. Los maestros deben de estar disponibles a extenderse una milla extra como se hacia antes. Este blog promueve con exactitud,certeza y objetividad,hablar de la historia que incluye todas las culturas y sus literaturas, y sus contribuciones culturales e historicas para construir America.

Friday, October 14, 2011



Me encuentro de nuevo en la misma disyuntiva,y solo puedo preguntarme,que si en realidad las personas encargadas de dirigir la educacion de nuestros hijos en nuestras escuelas en Englewood,están trabajando para nuestro bien o nuestra mejoría?. o solo están allí para hacernos creer que las cosas van bien,implementando cosas nuevas para nosotros como este plan,que por no entender la definición o el propósito del mismo.nos quieren mantener en silencio.y apantallar,diciendo.Traemos cosas nuevas al distrito y todavía se quejan! Queremos innovar y se siguen quejando?.Pero usted se ha puesto a pensar a costillas de quien y con interés de que. es que lo hacen?

Pero que tan bueno es?El permitirle a un joven estudiante de secundaria que coja su tiempo. Para graduarse en el tiempo que desee, o mejor dicho.extenderle de 4 anos,que es el tiempo en el que debería de graduarse.A 5? No es justo darle a los jóvenes formularios que ellos deben de firmar por su propia cuenta en la escuela,cuando no tienen siquiera el conocimiento,ni el consentimiento de sus padres,Como es este caso.Por supuesto que el joven va a dar la respuesta quizás esperada por quienes lo promueven.pero ellos se olvidaron de una de las partes mas importantes." SON MENORES DE EDAD y NOSOTROS,LOS PADRES",Nosotros entendemos y aceptamos?.

quiero invitarles a que se sigan empapandose de sus derechos y el de sus hijos.siguiendo los enlaces,que les ofrezco.y recuerden que por nada del mundo piensen que,todo lo que nos envía o proponen las escuelas es cierto,correcto o lo mejor para nuestros hijos.Investiguen,indaguen,Informense.que para eso existen personas como nosotros.Para enseñarles el poder de estar informados.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Es muy importante que los padres tengan conocimiento sobre las posibilidades y oportunidades de tener una buena educacion y todos los recursos que nececita un nino que tiene alguna discapacidad,fisica,mental o de comportamiento.
Aunque usted no lo sepa, o las escuelas no le pongan la informacion a su alcance,tiene que saber que si hay ayuda,incluso con la ubicacion y transporte para sus hijos,los estudios medicos de los cuales usted no tendra que pagar un centavo,debemos tener en consideracion,que dichos examenes pueden ser solicitados por los padres,si asi lo requiere el caso.
Los padres tienen una institucion en especifico que los puede ayudar en los asuntos legales de esta

Los ninos con discapacidad,son ninos que tienen los mismos derechos que los de educacion regular.por lo tanto ,por ley,no deben ser segregados.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards

The development of WIDA’s ELP standards has been in response to recent educational change
brought about through theory, research and legislation. First, the vision of language proficiency has
expanded to encompass both social contexts associated with language acquisition and academic
contexts tied to schooling in general, and particularly to standards, curriculum and instruction.
Second, the WIDA ELP Standards have been designed, in part, to guide the development of test
blueprints, task specifications and ELP measures. Thus, the language proficiency standards are
envisioned as the first step in the construction of reliable and valid assessment tools for ELLs. Finally,
the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) and corresponding state statutes currently
mandate that states administer a standards-based English language proficiency test annually to all
ELLs in Kindergarten through grade twelve in public schools.

Bilingual Education

Title III Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives for 2009-10 and 2010-11

Title III − Parental Notification REQUIREMENTS

Check list
1.  The school(s) have informed the parent(s) of a limited English proficient (LEP) student that their child has been identified for participation in a language instruction educational program within 30 days after the beginning of the school year (or, for students who arrive after the beginning of the school year, within two weeks of the child’s placement in a language instruction program).  

2.  The notification identifies why the child was identified as LEP and why the child needs to be place in a language instructional educational program that will assist the child to develop and attain English proficiency and meet state standards

3.  The notification is distributed to parent(s) of participating LEP children, in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents understand. * 

4.  Parents are informed about the child’s level of English proficiency, how such level was assessed, and the child’s academic level.

5.  The method of instruction that will be used to serve the LEP child, including a description of other methods of instruction available and how those methods differ in content, instructional goals, and the use of English and a native language, if applicable are communicated to parents.

6.  The parents are notified of how the program will meet the specific needs of the child in attaining English and meeting state standards.

7.  Parents of participating LEP children are informed about the program’s exit requirements, the expected rate of transition into a classroom not tailored for LEP students, and, in the case of high school students, the expected rate of graduation.

8.  The school(s) informs parents of participating LEP children of how the instructional program will meet the objectives of an individualized education program of a child with a disability.

9.  Written guidance on the rights that parents have to remove their child from a program upon their request, or to choose another program or method of instruction, if available, and how parents will be provided assistance in selecting the best program to serve their child is provided.

10.  Parents have been notified if their child’s school district has failed to make progress in meeting the state’s Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) within 30 days after the failure occurs.

11.  The district has implemented an effective means of outreach to parents of LEP children which includes information on how parents of LEP children can become involved in the education of their children and how they can participate in helping their children learn English, achieve at high levels in the core academic subjects and meet state standards.

Parent Notification Letters

Sample Notification Letter


Estimado Padre o Tutor: 

[Name of district, county office or charter school] recibe fondos del Título III del gobierno federal para ayudar a los alumnos que están aprendiendo inglés a hablar, leer,y escribir en inglés y para alcanzar progreso en lectura y matemáticas. Cada año se evalúan los distritos escolares y otras agencias que reciben los fondos del Titulo III para ver si alcanzaron los tres objetivos para sus estudiantes de inglés.

  • Progreso en el aprendizaje del ingles

  • Progreso en el porcentaje de estudiantes que se vuelven proficientes en ingles

  • Logro de las metas académicas en lengua inglesa y en matemáticas

En el año escolar de 2005-06, {Name of district, county office or charter school] no alcanzó una o más de estas tres metas. [Explain which of the objectives were not met.]

Si desea más información sobre cómo se está desempeñando su hijo en estas metas, por favor contacte al profesor de su hijo o a la escuela. Por favor comuníquese con [name of contact person] al [phone number] para mayor información sobre programas educativos que ofrece el distrito con el propósito de ayudar a los alumnos a volverse proficientes en inglés y lograr las metas académicas.


[District Administrator’s name]

Monday, June 20, 2011


CAPA REVIEW (Collaborative Assessment of Planning and Achievement)
This review was conducted by the New Jersey Department of Education: 2008 - 2009 This post includes the state's recommendations for improving the achievement of Dwight Morrow High School students in the area of ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS..

The NJ State Dept. of Ed. recommendation for Dwight Morrow High School: ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS.

1. Intake processes for new entrant students should include an assessment of their basic skills in
their native languange to assure the appropriate placement of LEP students in courses for which they are prepared. It will also help the administration to plan for LEP students' changing needs.

2. As the school plans to expand the math block for entering 9th grade students without the foundation skills needed to be successful in algebra, the ELL student population should be offered the same opportunity to receive this block that includes instruction in basic skillas as well as algebra concepts. Likewise, extended ESL (e.g., Civics ESL) for the purpose of familiarizing ELL students with local, county, and state government and policies may serve to facilitate students' knowledge and accelerate integration into the American society. Additionally, these services may also assist with ELL language and educational gaps.

3. ACCESS results show the need for a special focus on the speaking subtest. The school should assure that this key skill subset is fully addressed in the new curriculum review project this summer. Also, as the curriculum is reviewed, it should be realigned not only with the WIDA standards but also with the state's language arts literacy standards.

4. The school should develop an ongoing data bank regarding the ELL population to help plan services for this student group. The data collected should include, but not be limited to, the following enrollment trends, native assessment as indicated above, tracking of former ELLs, student performance in the content areas both in bilingual classes and in general classes, ACCESS analysis, and cross-content needs.

5. The school is encouraged to review texts, supplemental materials, and programs available to support the revised ESL curriculum.

6. There is need for greater rigor and higher expectations for ELL student writing.

Where does one start?
  • Test English Language learners when they register in their own language. Very valuable. How can you determine what students know without this test? It is all about what students know and not about preconceived ideas. Might this be a reason why so many students end up in Special Ed or just socially promoted on? It must be determined what students know in their native language before trying to shove anything else into their heads.
  • Including English Language learners in any effort to help students lacking foundation skills in Mathematices is also a positive. It is interesting that Civics is listed as a suggestion. I see very little focus on Civics for even English speaking students born in the US. They all need it. All students need a knowledge of local, county, state, and federal government policies. This might help them understand the importance of being a registered voter and nurture more spirited American citizens.
  • A special focus on the Speaking subtest. More attention must be given to ELL students actually learning to speak English. This is the language of American Standardized Tests, Drivers licenses, Citizenship papers, SAT's etc.
  • Develop an ongoing data bank regarding ELL. Why is the District not doing this already? How are we determining which programs work and which do not?
  • Has the Districi reviewed texts, supplemental materials, and programs available to support the revised ESL curriculum? Was the curriculum revised, or was this just something they said they were going to do because the State was asking?
  • Rigor. Again we see this word. What does it mean in educational talk? Just how involved are teachers and students with the task at hand? Do they all have a burning desire to know?
WIDA - is a consortium of states dedicated to the design and implementation of high standards and equitable educational opportunities for English language learners.WIDA educational products and services fall into three main categories: standards and assessments, professional development for educators, and research.
The WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards are recognized worldwide for their innovative approach to measuring academic language development in English. From those standards, various WIDA assessments have been developed to evaluate student progress according to the WIDA proficiency scale, including ACCESS for ELLs® which is administered annually in consortium member states to comply with federal accountability requirements in the United States.

WIDA - ACCESS for ELLs - ACCESS stands for Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners. This large-scale test addresses the academic English language proficiency (ELP) standards at the core of the WIDA Consortium's approach to instructing and evaluating the progress of English language learners. To alleviate any confusion, the WIDA ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT)™, more aptly known as a screening tool, has a different purpose and format from the ACCESS test. To understand the relationship between the two tests, see Comparing W-APT and ACCESS for ELLs.

I purposely left this area for last because it is the area that the system seems least able to deal with. Much of this ineptness may be attributed to the fact that few people are willing to learn about others. In a town where there are so many cultures living together we must learn to respect each other. A proud showing of the flag of each person's country should be prominently displayed somewhere on school property. In my old school each student was represented by the flag of the country from which he originated. The principal ordered a new one everytime someone else registered and made sure that person did not feel left out. But alas, even there individuality seems fleeting since the flags are no longer displayed and the different groups are drifting apart again. At least, they still inhabit the same physical building. Divisiveness is doing irreversible harm to our town and the overall morale on our high school campus.